Love Over Fear

Globe as Holding Heart Hands - Love over Fear

Image from

When speaking about emotions, we may say that the opposite of love is hate. Vibrationally however, the opposite of Love is not hate but Fear.  I like to capitalize Love and Fear in this context to identify them as vibrations rather than emotions.  When the “vibe” in our world escalates toward Fear as it has once again, it becomes even more important that we stay established in Love.

Personally, I am acknowledging my feelings of fear, sadness, worry and outrage — the latest source of course being the war against the Ukrainian people.  But then I am finding ways to come back to Love because that’s what I need to do in order to function.  That’s what our world also needs to function well… more Love instead of Fear.

When the energy of Fear gets stuck within us, we are more likely to emotionally react and lash out. We feel unsettled, unsafe.  Holding onto Fear leaves us wounded and dysfunctional.  We are seeing Fear play out on the world stage over and over again.

It is only by realigning with the vibration of Love that we are able to discern “right action” and respond with grace.  It is from Love that Peace arises within and then can be spread all around.  It is Love that will truly heal the individual as well as the collective wounds of humanity.

It all start at home with each individual being.  So today, I invite you to commit to reconnecting to the feeling, the energy, the vibration of Love as often as you can and sharing it with as many as you can.  By tuning our individual frequencies to Love, we broadcast Love into the collective consciousness.  Let's crowd the "airwaves" with Love!

Below, I’m sharing a few different things that have been helpful to me.  May the light of Love extinguish the darkness of Fear for all.



"You are protected, in short, by your ability to love!"
— Albus Dumbledore, 'Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince’
[ As a Harry Potter fan, this one put a smile on my face. 🙂 ]

“Fear is lack of love. Only one thing can eliminate fear and that is love.”
— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Spiritual Leader, Humanitarian

“The choice between love and fear is made every moment in our hearts and minds. That is where the peace process begins. Without peace within, peace in the world in an empty wish. Like love, peace is extended. It cannot be brought from the world to the heart. It must be brought from each heart to another and thus to all mankind.”
— Paul Ferrini, Author of ‘Love Without Conditions’

Tapping Meditation (EFT)

Envisioning Peace for Ukraine and the World



What The World Needs Now Is Love

[ I recently was introduced to this rendition and I absolutely love it! 🙂 ]

2 thoughts on “Love Over Fear”

  1. Sheetal is the BEST! She has great enthusiasm with what she does. She works well with you through whatever help you need. From my experience, she helped me with my anxiety as a massage therapist. Her comfort and positive impact with your body & mind is exceptional!

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