Grounding and Setting Intention… In Bed!

I think we're all familiar with that fortune cookie game... you know the one... where you read your fortune and then add the words "in bed" at the end to make it humorous!  Well, I'm kinda' borrowing from that game today.    🙂

I've been hearing a LOT of people say to me that they are having difficulty feeling grounded, centered and present.  They find themselves getting distracted more easily and also feeling scatter-brained or overwhelmed.  This common experience is certainly understandable, especially if you are someone who is empathic and thus easily feels the energies in your environment.  Over the past few months, we've been dealing with the magnification of challenging energies and many of us are absorbing heightened emotions and the additional charge around us.

This is why it's so important now more than ever to commit to a practice of grounding and intentionality FIRST THING in the morning.  And when I say FIRST THING, I mean before you even get out of bed!  I myself have practiced this for the last 15+ years and I advise all my coaching clients to do this as a way to "set the stage" for your day.  Many of my clients have validated the effectiveness of this simple practice by reporting that when they don't do their "in bed" grounding and intention setting, that they feel the difference throughout their day.

Sleep is the great reset.  Our cells repair, our energy replenishes, and our mind-body experiences deep relaxation.  Our minds are most malleable and least resistant after a good sleep.  Think of that time immediately after we wake up as a "clean slate" on which we can imprint the experience we desire that day.

So this week, I'm sharing a short movement sequence that you can do in bed which will bring you present to your breath, body and mind.  By aligning body and mind through gentle movement and conscious breathing as soon as we wake up, we are striving to override any previous habit patterns - like mentally reviewing your 'to-do' list or recalling any current worries or challenges.

Once we spend some time being present to ourselves (in the video its about 9 minutes but you could spend as much time as you want and add more movements/stretches), we can set an intention for our day by saying an affirmation and feeling that intention in our heart-space. Then, we can get out of bed and start our day on the right foot (and in the right mind-set!)

So I invite you to check out this video and try this very simple yet powerful practice... in bed! 🙂  As always, I love your feedback so comment below the video on YouTube or here below the post.

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