With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I (of course) had decided to share something about the practice of gratitude for this week’s Wednesday Wellness. As we learn about the health and wellness benefits of having an attitude of gratitude (check out 'Savoring Gratitude' for resources) more of us are practicing gratitude beyond this once a year holiday.
And even in a year like the one we’ve been having, there are ALWAYS some things for which we can be grateful. All that is required is the willingness to look beyond what’s typically brought to the forefront of life and instead glimpse into the depths of our daily experiences.
I personally have made it a habit to search for gratitude throughout my day! In any given moment of the day, I ask myself, “what can I appreciate about this moment?” Sometimes, the appreciation doesn’t come until later and sometimes I am grateful right away.
So I thought it may be fun to actually journal all the ways in which I have found gratitude during an average day. I’m sharing my list with you to demonstrate that with the right mindset, we can find appreciation almost anywhere, anytime in anything. Plus, it’s kinda’ fun and amusing too! 🙂
Throughout the day, I appreciated…
- Waking up to views of the sky and tree tops through the bedroom skylights and windows
- Watching the community kitty cats feeding at our front door; They are so sweet and fun!
- The view from my loft studio/office which reminds me of how much natural beauty we’re surrounded by
- My sore leg, back and arm muscles because they give me an opportunity to practice what I teach and fine tune techniques to ease tension
- Drinking my tea from my henna design mug (courtesy of my friend Sophie at Henna Chakra)… it’s just so pretty.
- The rescheduling request from a client because it gave me more time to work on another project that day
- The delicious and nutritious food I had from OM-Made Foods… YUM!
- The synchronized red lights I kept hitting because that allowed me to listen to the radio program a bit longer
- NPR for its interesting and informative programming
- My client for regularly giving me an opportunity to work with her
- My husband for washing whatever was left in the sink from the day
- A hot shower that felt so soothing
- The re-runs of ‘Star Trek - The Next Generation’ that I love to watch while making dinner.
- My husband’s willingness to substitute “Beyond Burger” in pasta sauce so I don’t have to make two different sauces
- A simple good meal
- A piece of Endangered Species espresso dark chocolate
- Snuggling under a warm blanket on the couch
- Playing with another one of my kitties before going to bed
- Falling asleep to the beautiful chanting of Deval Primal and Miten.
What would be on your list on any given day? Feel free to share below… would love to hear about the things you appreciate. 🙂
And finally, I am always grateful for all of you on the receiving end of my posts for indulging my musings, accepting my sharing and offering your kind words and feedback.
Wishing you a safe, healthy, restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving!