Saturday 12/21 is the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The day of the year with the least amount of daylight and greatest darkness. Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? But only because most of us have been programmed to equate darkness with something negative or unwanted that needs to be overcome. And certainly in some contexts that is true. I’m reminded of the Martin Luther King Jr. quote:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”
But when it comes to the winter solstice (and the winter season in general) there is indeed a ‘bright side’. Full transparency... I am a sun lover and if given the choice would prefer longer days and shorter nights. However yoga has taught me that we live in a dualistic world for a reason and sometimes the bright side is simply that “it is what it is”.
There is purpose to all the contrast that we experience in our world. I mean would we have heroes without those dastardly villains to act as foils? And if we didn’t know what sad felt like, would we be able to truly enjoy happiness? If we didn’t ever have the experience of doubt, worry or fear, would we fully appreciate our ability to be hopeful, have faith or feel courage?
Yoga philosophy, as well as other spiritual traditions, teach us that in the grand scheme there really is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’; there simply ‘IS'. Everything is an experience regardless of how we may label it. And every experience offers us something... a lesson, an opportunity for growth, a chance to reflect and/or rise.
So while I often crave more daylight and sunny skies during the winter, I have learned to embrace its darkness (and even the cold!) It’s not always easy, but I think that’s the point. 🙂 Acknowledging and accepting that there is a time and purpose for everything - even that which is disliked, undesired or challenging - can be very freeing.
So I invite you to reflect this winter on how you might embrace the darkness? What can you learn from it? How may it serve you if you allow it to?
I hope this Winter Solstice and the days of celebration afterward bring you time for relaxation, stillness, silence, peace as well as fun, joy, love and laughter!