In my opinion, Brene Brown hits the nail on the head in questioning what is normal. As an adjective, the word ‘normal’ is defined as “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.”
In our world, the societal conditions and attitudes that she mentions have become so familiar that we’ve gotten used to accepting them and even expecting them to exist. The distinction she makes is key. Those things are not ‘normal’ as far as being the standard for how we want to live… but they’ve become normalized.
I often say to my massage and coaching clients, “We forget our potential for feeling ease and freedom in our body/minds… until we have an experience that gives us a glimpse of that potential.” Then, it’s up to us to stay connected and committed to shifting toward how we WANT to feel - that ease and freedom - instead of simply accepting how we currently do feel - our familiar stressful state.
I believe that as a collective, we must not give up on our potential to live in a society of harmony, integrity, peace, love, light, joy, gratitude and freedom. Despite the fact that, at times, it may seem like we’re socially-shrinking rather than evolving, the potential for expansion always exists. The only things that restrict human potential are the limitations we, individually and collectively, place on ourselves.
The key is to stay connected to our potential… to continually remind ourselves of its existence and to even visualize it over and over again. Everything begins with intention which then can lead to inspired action. So I invite and encourage you to redefine ‘normal’ as the highest standard by which you want to live… and then imagine it.
What if it was normal to treat our planet like a loving mother than an abused servant?
What if it was normal to truly see people as souls rather than identify them based on race, religion, gender, political affiliation, etc.
What if it was normal to appreciate individual expression rather than value conformity?
What if it was normal to choose to feel good rather than be right?
We’ve been given an opportunity to NOT return to normal, but to redefine it… “to stitch a new garment”, as Brene puts it. Let’s create a ‘new normal’ that is extraordinary.
Be safe. Be well. Be LOVE!