The weekend burst at the seams with information, guidance, inspiration and love. I got to chat and have my picture taken with Mike Dooley, a best-selling author, speaker, creator of “Notes from the Universe” who you can find at www.tut.com...

and Robert Holden, another best-selling author, speaker, teacher of psychology & spirituality who you can find at www.robertholden.com.

Several other awesomely gifted individuals (who I did not get a chance to 'hob-nob' with) shared interesting, funny, and inspiring words about their journeys into ‘author-hood’ and the world of writing and publishing.
And by the end of the weekend, a burning desire had once again been sparked within me.... one that has existed for a long time and that has been quelled over the past several years by a shift in focus and maybe even some fears (maybe?... probably... uh yeah, for sure!)
During his presentation, Robert Holden asked us to fill in the blank, “I write because....” At the time, what came to me was “... because I need to share.” But as I thought about this some more, I realized it was more than that. I have a desire to write not only because I want a platform for sharing the experiences and knowledge that I’ve gained, but also to gain more experience and knowledge from the process of writing itself. I write because I am then able to process what’s often churning within so that I can clear it out, or so that I can be of service through the sharing of it.
If I had to succinctly summarize my work mission (and really my life mission), I’d have to say “Seek, Share and Serve.” And I am realizing that writing allows me to do all of that. About 20 years ago, I was doing some of my best writing (at least in my opinion). I was creating poems while going through a difficult, heart-breaking, life-changing time... you know, all the things that hit songs are made of. 😉 As I look back and read some of my poetry, I am amazed at where I was then and where I am now. In many ways, there is no semblance.
And while so much of that poetry now feels depressing to me quite honestly, I know that it was a necessary part of my healing and transformation. It helped me to SEEK my truth.
So for today’s Wednesday Wellness, I appreciate your allowing me to be a bit self-indulgent with the SHARING of some of my story and also a little poem (don’t worry, it’s not a depressing one!)
It is always my hope and intention that you find what I share of SERVICE in some way. Until next time... BE WELL and ENJOY!
Hugs and Love, Sheetal
The Eyes of a Stranger
Did you know you could find
Feelings of many kinds
In the eyes of a stranger?
Morning greetings with warmth aglow,
Intentions as pure as newly fallen snow,
Happiness of the genuine sort,
Connection that provides an intriguing comfort,
Curiosity of life and what we are told,
And love, yes even love, more precious than gold.
Will you believe me when I say
All these things came my way
During a hopeful search for treasure
I found such wonders in the eyes of a stranger.
Beautiful! I love that you got to go to the Hay House workshop! I keep receiving messages that I am supposed to write my story, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. One day. It looks like you had a great trip. Hope to see you soon. Julie
Thank you Julie! When you’re ready, I do recommend this workshop. They share SO much good information about the process and realities of publishing. Plus its great fun and so inspiring. 🙂 I too look forward to seeing you soon! <3
So happy and excited for you.
❤️🙏 Marian
Thank you Marian! 🙂 <3
Beautifully written and so true. Sometimes just a glimpse can say/convey so much truth.
Than you Sheetal .
🙂 <3