Words hold vibration. They offer us an experience that is beyond definition or intellectual meaning. When we start paying attention to how words FEEL to us, that’s when we realize their power.
We’ve all had these experiences… listening to the lyrics of a song that hits a chord within us… listening to a motivational speech or ‘pep talk’… feeling the characters’ emotions when we read a well-written book or watch a ‘tear-jerker’ movie. We’ve all FELT words before.
Today, I’m going to invite to you to use this capacity as a means for empowering and focusing yourself. If you happened to have joined me at my ‘Creating Your Powerful Sankalpa for the New Year’ workshop at the end of 2019, you were able to experience a guided meditation which I often refer to as a ‘Word Resonance’ meditation. It’s one I regularly do with my coaching clients and also frequently use myself. In case you may not remember from my previous newsletter, a sankalpa is a heart-felt intention that serves our highest truth and something to which we aspire.
The goal of the meditation is to provide us an opportunity to get out of our heads and into our hearts in order to identify an intention that suits us at this time. Most of us have many wonderful goals or intentions for ourselves and we may find it difficult to prioritize what is most important or needed right now.
The ‘Word Resonance’ meditation helps us FEEL our way into our sankalpa rather than think our way into it. After some initial centering and relaxation, I present a list of positive words. All of the words I offer would make great intentions and there’s not one that we wouldn’t want for ourselves. But the key is to find that ONE (or maybe TWO) that you feel most strongly in your body. It will somehow ‘jump out to you’ when you hear it.
By softening the mind and shifting our awareness into our bodies, we can more easily FEEL the words of the meditation. And when we FEEL the words we are tapping into their vibration, or more specifically how they resonate to us at this time. While our minds may play tricks on us, our bodies will not lie… that is why this can be a very empowering practice!
Once we find our special word(s), we can then regularly connect with the FEELING of the word as a way of reminding ourselves of our intention. Here’s an example… let’s say the word “confidence” was most strongly felt. Your body is suggesting to you to reflect and focus on confidence (in whichever way that is relevant to you because it can mean different things to different people.) You may even create a strong affirmation around your word (ie. “I speak with confidence” or “I exude confidence”) which you can regularly use when making choices and decisions.
So for today’s Wednesday Wellness, I’d like to share a version of this mediation with you. Since it’s posted to my ‘Empowered Wellness with Sheetal’ YouTube channel, I added some beautiful imagery (courtesy of my very talented husband!) along with it.
It’s a little more than 11 minutes long so it shouldn’t be too difficult to carve out some quiet time to have this ‘Word Resonance’ experience. And of course, please share your experience in the comments or by emailing me… I love to hear from you! 🙂
I had this post saved for quite some time, and I’m so glad I finally got around to it. This was lovely. You have helped me discover my focus for the new year. Thank you, Sheetal. Namaste. 🙏🏼
So happy it was helpful to you Terri… Most welcome! 🙂 Namaste.