I love the choice being presented here: evolve or remain. I thought this to be a perfect image quote to reflect upon as we near the end of not only the year but also the decade. You may already have an annual ritual of looking back through the past year and identifying resolutions for the new year.
But this feels deeper to me. Its tone is raw and reaches the core of my being. I think it speaks to the TRUE ME that has often struggled (and sometimes still struggles) to show herself. Whenever I read it I feel like it is challenging me to be strong and bold. And in doing so, it evokes from within those exact feelings of strength, boldness and courage.
This statement is not about making changes because something is wrong with me or bad in my life. Instead, it’s challenging me to LOVE myself so completely, so unconditionally that I have no choice but to EVOLVE into the authenticity of ME.
So as you may be looking forward to the new year and the new decade and contemplating your trajectory, I invite you to look through the eyes of love rather than fear or worry. Because when we choose LOVE, we automatically choose to EVOLVE.