Since this past Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. day, I had decided to peruse his famous quotes as a way of receiving inspiration from the wise and courageous leader. I had never heard this one before and what stuck out most for me was the word ‘hope’.
I find the word hope to be very powerful because it’s all about possibilities and potential. For me, it’s one of the easiest feelings to connect with in order to shift a negative or “lack” perspective to a more positive one.
The experience of hopefulness suggests that there is uncertainty… we only need to hope if we don’t already know something. And this is why hope is so powerful… because when we choose to feel hopeful, we exercise our conscious free will to shift toward positive potential despite the unknown.
Hope helps us to stand brave in the face of fear. Hope causes us to continue onward despite setback. Hope move us from feelings of doubt and pessimism to more productive vibrations of trust and optimism.
There is always a choice… we can always choose hope.