As a PA-licensed massage therapist, it is my goal to assist you in your well-being! During your bodywork session, I will blend various modalities to create a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience.
I specialize in bodywork that is less about kneading muscles and more about working with the subtle structures and energetic systems of the body. As a massage therapist/bodyworker, my role is not to "fix" something for you. Instead, my intention is to aid your body in finding the balance, relief, and healing that it is ready to receive.
I do this by offering soothing touch to encourage ease and holding space to promote your own innate healing process. I truly believe that every individual has the capacity to heal himself or herself. We simply need some guidance and support in doing so. I hope that you will allow me the opportunity to provide that service.
FULL BODY INTEGRATED HEALING : 45 mins($65), 60 mins ($80), 75 mins ($95), 90 mins, $110) *** Most popular service ***
This session includes multiple forms of subtle bodywork based on what your body may be “requesting” at the time of your session. By listening to your body, I create a treatment plan that will blend fascial stretch and release techniques, Cranio-Sacral therapy (CST), marma therapy and healing touch with gentle swedish massage. Therapeutic grade Young Living essential oils are also incorporated into the session.
The benefits of an integrated healing session are numerous ranging from relief from muscle and joint tension, restriction and/or pain, reduction of stress, elimination of fatigue, improvement of circulation and promotion of deep relaxation. That being said, each individual's experience is truly unique to him/her.
THERAPEUTIC YOGA with HEALING TOUCH : 45 mins($65), 60 mins ($80), 75 mins ($95), 90 mins, $110)
This session blends restorative yoga poses, guided meditation and visualization, deep breathing, conscious stretch and movement, and healing touch. Therapeutic grade Young Living essential oils are also used to enhance the experience.
You may benefit greatly from Therapeutic Yoga if you experience chronic pain and or tension in specific parts of the your body, have restriction of movement in certain part of the body, are holding onto emotional stress and/or have difficultly releasing mental stress and negative thoughts.
“We are all healing on some level, whether psychologically, emotionally or physically. This truly holistic practice dissolves those distinctions as it guides us to a sense of wholeness . The word healing itself means the process of reuniting, restoring, returning to oneness. Therapeutic Yoga gives us the tools to facilitate the process and a framework to let our intuition guide how best to use them…” (Cheri Clampett, ERYT-500, Yoga Therapist)
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) : 45 mins($65), 60 mins ($80)
Craniosacral Therapy, or CST, is one of the gentlest yet most profound of healing modalities. By using a soft touch no greater than the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.
CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:
- Migraine Headaches
- Chronic neck & back pain
- Motor-Coordination Impairments
- Fibromyalgia
- TMJ Syndrome
- Chronic Fatigue
CST recipients remain fully-clothed during the session as the therapist performs specific “holds” and hand placements along the body.
MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINING (MLD) : 45 mins($65), 60 mins ($80)
Manual lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment that uses very light pressure and gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in your body. The lymph system is part of your body's immune system and helps fight infection.
This treatment is especially recommended after surgeries where the lymph nodes may have been removed (surgeries related to breast cancer) or the lymphatic flow may have been “cut off” causing swelling and edema. This treatment may be done fully clothed or unclothed based on individual’s comfort.
CHAKRA BALANCING & MARMA MASSAGE: 45 mins($65), 60 mins ($80)
The chakras can be described as 7 vortexes of energy residing along the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head. Life challenges and negative experiences can often throw these energy centers out of balance, thus limiting our ability to feel our highest level of well-being. By using gentle energy healing techniques, the balancing of the body's chakras is promoted.
Marma massage involves applying gentle pressure at the specific marma points of the body in order to release blocked energy and promote balanced free flow. Marma points are often likened to acupressure or acupuncture points. These marma points represent junctures in the body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints.
Yet marma points are much more than a casual connection of tissue and fluids. Similar to the chakras, they are intersections of the vital life force (prana) and thus part of the larger energetic system. Hence, by treating the chakras and marma, we address the underlying energetic landscape of the body.
This treatment is usually done fully clothed and Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils are incorporated into the session to enhance the experience of deep relaxation and healing.
My intention is to not only provide you with a therapeutic, relaxing massage experience, but to also teach you how take charge of your own health! All appointments are longer than what you may typically find, because they include time for private consultation in addition to the massage work so that I can give you suggestions and recommendations for your own personal “wellness plan”.
Contact me (609.634.4938) to schedule your appointment today or to purchase a Gift Certificate for that someone special!
*** Ask about my Health Rewards Incentive ***
First-time clients, please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to appointment time in order to complete Client Intake Form.
While I greatly appreciate the gesture of tipping, this is NOT expected nor required… For me, massage therapy is an essential & powerful way of experiencing good health and well-being rather than a luxury service or “treat”. To that end, if you would like to express your gratitude for my services, I encourage you to do one or both of the following:
- Submit a Testimonial sharing your experience so others will have benefit of the knowledge.
- Refer me to your friends, family, co-workers… anyone who you feel could also benefit from my style of work.
I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. However, to be effective and fair to all parties, I have adopted the following policies, which apply outside any emergencies:
- 24 hour advance notice is required when cancelling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.
- If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.
Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show”. They will be charged for their “missed” appointment and future service will be denied until payment is made.
Arriving late
Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you. If you arrive late your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session.
Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.