In 2011… Don’t Resolve. Commit!

As with each New Year, it is common for us to reflect upon the previous year and think about how or what we want to change this year.  I had already started going through this process myself a couple months ago, and what inspired me most was a verse from the writer, poet, philosopher Goethe that I recently rediscovered.  It goes like this…

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy… the chance to draw back… always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and endless plans:

That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it!

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!

So this year, I did NOT make any resolutions.  Instead, I made a New Year commitment!

Now, I know that the word commitment can feel intimidating.  In fact, the difference in perception between these two words – commitment vs resolution – is in itself a great illustration of what Geothe was saying.

‘Resolution’ seems to lack power.  For those of us that have broken our New Year resolutions in the past, there exists an underlying assumption of failure… or as Goethe put it “the chance to draw back… always ineffectiveness.”

The reason ‘commitment’ feels intimidating and even sometimes scary, is because of the powerful energy behind a commitment… “the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.”

But why is that?  I think it’s because we really cannot commit to anything unless we truly believe it in our hearts.  In yoga, this “truth” is called satya.  And what is satya for one person may not be for another – we all hold our own individual “truths”.

We cannot commit to something that we conjure up in our minds because that’s what we think we should do.  Nor can we commit to something that comes from our egos based on what is expected of us.  There will always be a “back door”… a way to escape the latter two because we don’t truly believe in these things with our hearts.

I think many of us could reflect back and find experiences where once we got behind an idea, or a goal wholeheartedly – in mind, body and spirit – that goal was eventually and most certainly achieved.

So think about what you may have resolved to do this year…. Are you truly committed to this?  Do you truly believe in this?  And if you haven’t made any resolutions this year, allow me to suggest to you that instead, you think about committing to something that is in your heart, which is satya for you.  As Goethe said… “Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”

Here’s to a MAGICAL new year… I hope to share it with you!

Be Well and Enjoy…. Sheetal

3 thoughts on “In 2011… Don’t Resolve. Commit!”

  1. Great post! Thank you….I think you are so right. The “C-word Commitment” is big and scary but once you RESOLVE to do something, I think it does take on a life of its own but it’s the first step which can be so tough sometimes. Thanks for the reminder that we need to find our “truth” and stick to it!

    Happy New Year to you Sheetal!

  2. Well said! For similar reasons, I went with a new year’s “revolution” this year and have found thus far that it’s working out well for me because of the focus on the thought processes that lead to behavioral choices, rather than the behaviors themselves. Have a wonderful new year!

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