I find this meme to be hilarious! Especially because our youngest kitty-cat, Gypsy, could’ve easily been the cat model for this photo. Check her out…

You know what they say… laughter is the best medicine!! 🙂  Especially as we all hunker down and do our best to look for opportunities rather than focus on problems.  However, I admit that is often easier said than done.
To that end, I’d like to share with you some free resources that you may find helpful during this time. It’s a proven fact that how we choose to focus our minds will directly affect the quality of our minds. While we need to stay informed, if we are constantly bombarded by bad news, the quality of our minds will reflect that.
Thus it’s especially important, now even more than ever, to allocate time to things that support a mental/emotional environment of calm, clarity, discernment, courage, humor, hope, faith, etc. I imagine you may already have certain things you do to help you in this way… good for you!!
Still, if you’re looking for some ‘fresh’ material to explore, you may want to give a look to the resources below… they are some of my favorite.
Stay Safe, Be Well, Be LOVE <3
Empowered Wellness with Sheetal: If you haven’t check out my YouTube channel recently, I’ve added some new content including some yoga practices and a self-massage routine for face and head. And of course there’s my weekly guided meditations!
West End Yoga Videos: West End teachers have graciously created videos so their students can keep practicing at home for free! Whether you’re a student of the studio or not, you can enjoy their teaching online. If you are able and feel called to offer a donation for their generous efforts while the studio is closed, there’s a Go Fund Me to do so.
Hay House Free Resources: Podcasts, videos, ebooks and articles from some of Hay House’s most well-known authors and speakers.
Yoga International: Morning and Evening Yoga Sequences for Better Sleep: You can access 3 – 5 (I can’t remember exactly) articles or videos each month without being a subscribed member. This particular one gives instructions and photos for two short and effective sequences.